
Adult Orthodontic Options

Think that braces or orthodontic treatment is just for kids or teenagers? Think again! Orthodontic treatment is something that can benefit patients of all ages. Many, many adults come to us to improve the look of their smile or overall oral health. Let’s talk about adult braces and the various options that are available.

Why Get Braces as an Adult?

The most obvious reason that patients – especially adults – seek out orthodontic treatment is to achieve a bright, beautiful smile and straight teeth. And it is true that crooked teeth can severely affect self-esteem. We love helping patients who have […]

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Let’s Be Clear!

Do you have widely spaced or crowded teeth? Have you been diagnosed with a mild cross-bite or overbite? Are you wanting to avoid a ton of metal in your mouth? If so, you may be the perfect candidate for Invisalign® or InvisalignTeen®.

What is Invisalign? 

Invisalign uses a series of clear, comfortable aligners that are so subtle most people won’t know you’re wearing them! Each removable aligner is made with 3D computer imaging technology to only fit your unique smile. We’ll use iTero® digital scanner to scan your teeth—no impressions needed!A huge […]

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Can Taxes Make You Smile?

Does tax season give you visions of numbers swirling in your head and make you break out in a cold sweat thinking about all the forms and paperwork? Or are you laid back, organized and have it all under control? Either way, the bright side for most of Americans is that there’s a nice tax refund check that comes after all the paperwork is finished! And if you don’t already have that extra cash flagged for something else, we have an idea for you.

Make an Investment in Your Smile!

At Durham Orthodontics, we strive to make orthodontic treatment affordable for all […]

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